LMCI specializes in creating quality products and providing high caliber staff support to a wide range of customers. The LMCI product mix ranges from our flagship
online career information delivery system, Texas Career Check, to a variety of specialized economic development and regional planning tools.
We offer services to students through a Toll-free Career Information Hotline and provide career-oriented tabloids and monographs to assist students and job seekers in making
informed education and career choices. Each of these end user products is buttressed by applied academic research on Texas labor market dynamics.
LMCI offers a collection of hardcopy and online labor market, career and follow-up information products and customer support services that are second to none!
If you would like to purchase any of these items, please print our
Product Order Form, complete it,
and mail or fax it to us.

Foundation High School Endorsement Bulletins
This series of bulletins takes a closer look at each endorsement area and connects those endorsement pathways to career opportunities. Each comprehensive issue contains vital information about the guidelines of the Foundation High School program and endorsement selection requirements. In addition, they feature careers that are specific to each endorsement area and the accompanying labor market information for each job title. $.50Check out the five Foundation High School Endorsement Bulletins

Career Success Workbooks
The series of workbooks and accompanying resources assist students in becoming career ready and informed. Most importantly, it will help them make educated decisions about what they choose to do after high school to reach their career goals. The supplementary Career Portfolio will also help students have one place to keep their brainstorming ideas, research information, and future plans all in one place.Finally, there is a Facilitator Guide available for teachers interested in offering career readiness sessions in their classrooms using these workbooks, to teach career readiness like a workforce pro.
The best part about this resource is that schools have the option to order the workbooks in print or they can simply
download the digital PDFs of the documents to use without ever having to print them.
Sample Lesson and Facilitator Notes of this Product This sample packet assembles sections from the Career Success workbooks,
the career portfolio, and the Facilitator Guide. If you would like to take a sneak peek at the content of this product, click on the link below to learn more.
Click here to access the Career Success sample packet
Click here to learn more about the Career Success Workbook Series

Texas Job Hunters Guide
From assessing to preparing to searching to connecting to interviewing, this publication will show you how to excel in the art of the job hunt. $2.50Check out Texas Job Hunters Guide

Download the Accessible version of Texas Job Hunters Guide
Download the Texas Job Hunters Guide ¡en español!. (Available only as PDF download)

Starting the Conversation: Talking to Your Children about Career Exploration
This magazine provides hints for helping your children make good decisions that will ease the transition from high school to college or a career, and will also highlight some tools and sources of information that the Texas Workforce Commission and other state and federal agencies we work with offer. $2.50Check out Starting the Conversation (accessible PDF)

Succeed at Work
This publication succinctly sums up what you need to know about how to be the type of employee that businesses will want to hire, keep, and promote. $2.50Check Out Succeed at Work

Download the Accessible version of Succeed at Work

Your Next Job: How to Bounce Back from a Job Loss Better Than Before
If youve recently suffered a job loss, this publication can help you bounce back, track down and land your next job. $2.50Check Out Your Next Job

Download the Accessible version of Your Next Job

Careers! a Career Coloring Book for Elementary School Students
This publication introduces students in grades K through 2 to the world of work. Featuring a poem and fun illustrations of sample jobs for coloring. $1.00Check out CAREERS! a Career Coloring Book for Elementary School Students (accessible PDF)

CAREERS! a Career Coloring Book for Elementary School Students ¡en español!

Careers Are Everywhere! Activity Book for Elementary School Students
This activity book helps elementary students grades 3 through 5 to begin exploring career possibilities. By introducing students to the 16 career clusters they will learn more about in high school, this activity book aims to help students develop self-knowledge, explore education and occupations, and learn to plan for careers. $2.00Check out Careers Are Everywhere (accessible PDF)

Beyond High School
Helping your child narrow down their education and training options after high school can be tough. The goal of this booklet is to help you and your student choose a school based on what is important to you. There are thousands of institutions of higher learning in the United States, each with their own cultures, some with a balance between studies and extracurricular activities, and some more exclusively focused on the work of getting you trained for a career. Let the TWC help you figure out some criteria considerations to work through to help you and your child discover the best fit for them. $2.00Check out Beyond High School

Financial Resources and Planning for Education & Training Beyond High School
High school students today have many education and training options available to help them reach their career goals. The costs of those program options vary widely, as does the financial assistance available for them. This document explores those education and training opportunities, and how to finance the pathways students choose to take. $1.00Check out Financial Resources and Planning for Education & Training Beyond High School


Texas Directory of Licensed Occupations
Some jobs have licensing requirements that must be considered before you make that career choice. The Texas Directory of Licensed Occupations provides an up-to-date summary of minimum requirements for professions and occupations licensed by the State of Texas. Several occupations, recently subject to state regulation, have been added to those in previous editions of this book. A brief look at the benefits and contacts for apprenticeship programs is also provided. $10.00Check out Texas Directory of Licensed Occupations

Download the Accessible version of Texas Directory of Licensed Occupations

Succeed At Work Today
You set yourself up for success later by succeeding at work today. This brochure is about how to do that. $.10Check out Succeed At Work Today

Check out Succeed At Work Today ¡en español!

Download the accessible version of Succeed At Work Today

Starting The Conversation:
Today, career success requires more detailed planning than it did in generations past. Talk with your kids about their future Today. $.10Check out Starting The Conversation

Check out Starting The Conversation ¡en español!

Texas Occupational Highlights (employment projections)
Check out this brochure to see the top 25 Texas occupations which are projected to grow the fastest during the next decade, add the most jobs, pay the most, etc. $.10Check out Texas Occupational Highlights

Top 10 Career Tips
This guide offers advice on how to search for a job, how to behave in a job interview and how to successfully meet the expectations of your employer. Also available as four 18x 24posters. $.10Check out Top 10 Career Tips

Download the Accessible version of Top 10 Career Tips

Top 10 Career Tips Poster Sets
Each panel of the Top 10 Career Tips Brochure has been made into a poster, each with a wide red border. Get the whole set of 5 posters. $12.00
Financial Aid
College is expensive, but fortunately there are many resources to help you pay. Check out this guide to understand the basics of financial aid and some of the best websites to find about applying for aid. $.10Check out Financial Aid

Download the Accessible version of Financial Aid

Where Can You Find Job Openings?
Some methods are more effective than others in finding a job. This brochure highlights a variety of common ways people look for jobs and the strengths and limitations of each. $.10Check out Where Can You Find Job Openings?

Download the Accessible version of Where Can You Find Job Openings?

Are you a...Doer?
Sometimes your personal traits determine the occupations that might make for your best fit. This brochure presents six personality types and the career possibilities commonly linked to each trait. $.10Check out Are You a Doer?

Download the Accessible version of Are You A Doer?

Pocket Résumé
Never again forget critical phone numbers and other information when filling out a job application. The Pocket Resume is a miniature résumé that stores information commonly asked on a job application. Note: PDF version is for printing only. $.10Check out the Pocket Résumé

Check out the Pocket Résumé ¡en español!


- Reality Check Bookmark
- Labor Market & Career Information Bookmark
- LMCI Career Information Hotline Bookmark
Online Publications:
Texas Workforce Report 2023-2024
The 2023 Texas Annual Economic Report provides a detailed analysis of the state's demographics, labor market, job market, and occupational employment trends. The Labor Market and Career Information Department of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has produced this report to fulfill its commitment to providing the past year's statistical information to the Employment and Training Administration (ETA).Download Texas Workforce Report 2023-2024

Report on Texas Growth Occupations 2024
Texas Labor Code Section 302.019 requires the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to gather and study information relating to existing and projected shortages in high-wage, high-demand occupations in Texas annually, including for selected industries. This report summarizes those findings by industry in Texas. The additional data used in this report is current as of the end of federal fiscal year 2024. Thus, the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data covers the period through first quarter 2024 while Current Employment Statistics (CES) data covers the period through the August 2024 estimates.Download Full Report

Download Summary Report

Many of these end-user products rely on data generated through a variety of programs operated in cooperation with the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The department provides monthly, survey-based estimates of payroll employment, and estimates of unemployed persons and state and local unemployment rates. LMCI conducts extensive employer surveys to generate occupational wage estimates and generate detailed industry employment and payroll wage data. These data form the backbone of an extraordinarily rich data environment from which to understand the Texas labor market.