Aligning Career and Technical Education with Regional Labor Demand

Career and Technical Education downloads will provide a list of in-demand occupations that are aligned with Texas Career Cluster and Statewide CTE Programs of Study information. This data is arranged by region and contains relevant labor market information to help understand which jobs are most likely to be available and well-compensated.
Understanding how CTE programs align to meaningful employment opportunities can assist school districts make informed decisions about high-wage, in-demand occupations to justify the creation of new Career Technical Education (CTE) programs and to guide program design. The information provided ensures that students are provided appropriate CTE opportunities while strengthening local economies.

Career and Technical Education Downloads

Select a region (or regions) using the map, or check boxes, and click the Download button to download your files. Please note that most browsers will limit the number of files you can download at one time. Detailed definitions and sources can be found in the "Notes" file.

WDA Regions: