Welcome! On this page you will find links to products and services offered by LMCI geared towards providing career counselors and teachers with the materials, tools, and information they need to more effectively provide career counseling.
Resources for Counselors and Teachers

HB 5 Webinars
The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has been working with our academic partners to create a webinar series that features our role with The Foundation High School Program legislation (HB 5). These webinars highlight what we do, as a state agency, for students, parents, teachers, counselors, and all academics in regard to career and college exploration.
Foundation High School Program Endorsement Career Links
Get the information your High School student needs to succeed in their educational endeavors! Foundation High School Program Endorsement Career Links will provide you with information regarding the new graduation requirements established by House Bill 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2013.
Foundation High School Endorsement Bulletins
This series of bulletins takes a closer look at each endorsement area and connects those endorsement pathways to career opportunities. Each comprehensive issue contains vital information about the guidelines of the Foundation High School program and endorsement selection requirements. In addition, they feature careers that are specific to each endorsement area and the accompanying labor market information for each job title.
Career-Endorsement Crosswalk
Use this excel spreadsheet, co-created by Texas Workforce Commission and Texas Education Agency experts, to help you discover which Foundation High School Program endorsements align with each individual occupation title in the state. Some occupations align with one primary endorsement while others also have secondary endorsement recommendations. Keep in mind, any occupation that has the potential to align with more than one endorsement was assigned the Multi-Disciplinary distinction. Use the first sheet in the file to see all occupations titles, or click on the sheet tabs across the bottom to look at the occupations in each individual endorsement area.
ESC-to-WDA Crosswalk
If you want to explore the labor market data in your region, you will need to know which Workforce Development Area (WDA) your current Education Service Center (ESC) is located in.
Use the following map that combines both records of regional boundaries to help you determine your appropriate ESC to WDA alignment. The pastel colors indicates the different WDA
regions while the dotted red lines show the ESC regional boundaries.

Video Tutorials
Our education partners value the data available through the Texas Workforce Commission’s online tools. The video tutorials on this page will show you step-by-step how to get the most out of these tools, and discover practical ways to use this information.
The LMCI Career Information Hotline provides free career information to Texas students and educators. The Hotline operates 8:00-5:00 CST, Monday through Friday. Callers calling during non-business hours may leave requests on voice-mail.
Request a Free Teacher/Counselor Pack, or
download our Class Request Form.

Texas Job Hunters Guide
From assessing to preparing to searching to connecting to interviewing, this publication will show you how to excel in the art of the job hunt.

Succeed at Work
This publication succinctly sums up what you need to know about how to be the type of employee that businesses will want to hire, keep, and promote.

Succeed at Work Today
You set yourself up for success later by succeeding at work today. This brochure is about how to do that.
Starting the Conversation: Talking to Your Children about Career Exploration
This magazine provides hints for helping your children make good decisions that will ease the transition from high school to college or a career, and will also highlight some tools and
sources of information that the Texas Workforce Commission and other state and federal agencies we work with offer.

Starting The Conversation
Today, career success requires more detailed planning than it did in generations past. Talk with your kids about their future Today.

Top 10 Career Tips
Check out Top 10 Career Tips! Now available in poster and brochure sizes.
The Texas Public Education Information Resource (TPEIR) website provides reports and data on Texas educational topics and trends. These reports combine multiple data sources to produce useful information about Texas public school students from PK through college and into the workforce. Teacher certification and school district staff reports are also available.
(www.txcrews.org) The Texas Consumer Resource for Education and Workforce Statistics (Texas CREWS) is an interactive dashboard tool providing comparative information about Texas public 2-year and 4-year postsecondary institutions. By evaluating programs and institutions on the basis of resultant wages and student loan levels, Texas CREWS will allow parents and students to make informed decisions about college and get the best return on their educational investment.
Education Outreach Training-the-Trainer Manual
This resource will take you through the Education Outreach Specialist role and teach you the skills, knowledge, and resources needed to replicate the role in your own regions. Included in the information of this manual is the contact information for the Education Outreach training team. If you would prefer to have someone one the team come to your area to provide a structed Train-the-Trainer session, please reach out to the team to request a session.