Welcome! On this page career hunters will find links to resources designed to help you make the career choice that is right for you.
Resources for Career Hunters

Work In Texas
Work In Texas is the largest free job matching network in Texas. In addition to personalized job matching, WorkInTexas.com helps you build a resumé, provides access to career tools, and works as your job search agent. Find a job, find another reason to love Texas!
Texas Job Hunters Guide
From assessing to preparing to searching to connecting to interviewing, this publication will show you how to excel in the art of the job hunt.

Succeed at Work
This publication succinctly sums up what you need to know about how to be the type of employee that businesses will want to hire, keep, and promote.
Click here to view the Spanish/English Express Publications

Emerging And Evolving Occupations in Texas
The New and Emerging Occupations of the 21st Century: Updating the O*NET-SOC Taxonomy provides a good starting point for information on new and emerging occupations. The list found through this link is to raise awareness of certain new and emerging occupations at the national level, however, there currently are no data available to determine if there are significant job openings in Texas.
The LMCI Career Information Hotline provides free career information to Texas students and educators. The Hotline operates 8:00-5:00 CST, Monday through Friday. Callers calling during non-business hours may leave requests on voice-mail.
Texas Reality Check
(www.texasrealitycheck.com/) There is nothing more motivational for students than showing them the relevance between educational attainment and their earnings power. Reality Check is designed to help students understand the connection between lifestyle aspirations and the importance of postsecondary education.